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All giveaways by Elton Stoneman

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DockerCon 2020 book giveaway - Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches - x25!
Manning are giving away 25 free digital copies of Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches, by Docker Captain and Microsoft MVP Elton Stoneman. This is a task-focused guide to Docker aimed at new and improving Docker users, packed with exercises and hands-on labs. It doesn't assume any IT background - dev, ops, architecture are all welcome, and every exercise is tested to work on Mac, Linux and Windows machines. You’ll learn essential Docker techniques, including how to run your own and third-party apps in containers, use a Docker registry to share container images, and confidently deploy containerized apps to production. When you’re done, you’ll be able to use Docker with any kind of application, from legacy monoliths to greenfield microservices. Entry Methods: * #DockerCon 2020 book giveaway - Learn #Docker in a Month of Lunches - by @EltonStoneman
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.NET Conf book giveaway - Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches - x3!
Manning are giving away 3 free digital copies of Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches, by Docker Captain and Microsoft MVP Elton Stoneman. This is a task-focused guide to Docker aimed at new and improving Docker users, packed with exercises and hands-on labs. It doesn't assume any IT background - dev, ops, architecture are all welcome, and every exercise is tested to work on Mac, Linux and Windows machines. You can also enter this giveaway to win a copy of Learn Kubernetes in a Month of Lunches, which is being written right now! You’ll learn essential Docker techniques, including how to run your own and third-party apps in containers, use a Docker registry to share container images, and confidently deploy containerized apps to production. When you’re done, you’ll be able to use Docker with any kind of application, from legacy monoliths to greenfield microservices. Entry Methods: * #dotnetconf book giveaway - win a copy of Learn #Docker in a Month of Lunches by @EltonStoneman!
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Learn Kubernetes in a Month of Lunches - Giveaway x3!
Manning are giving away 3 free digital copies of Learn Kubernetes in a Month of Lunches, by Docker Captain and Microsoft MVP Elton Stoneman. Create apps that perform identically on your laptop, data center, and any cloud! Kubernetes provides a consistent method for deploying applications on any platform, making it easy to grow. By efficiently orchestrating Docker containers, Kubernetes simplifies tasks like rolling upgrades, scaling, and self-healing. Learn Kubernetes in a Month of Lunches is your guide to getting up and running with Kubernetes. You'll progress from Kubernetes basics to essential skills, learning to model, deploy, and manage applications in production. Exercises demonstrate how Kubernetes works with multiple languages and frameworks. You'll also practice with new apps, legacy code, and serverless functions. Entry Methods: * Book giveaway! Learn #Kubernetes in a Month of Lunches by @EltonStoneman. * Subscribe to my channel on YouTube!